RSVP Now | The Untapped Power of Repairs: Unpacking the Cost, Complexity, and Opportunity

Event Details:
Wednesday, September 18th
11:00 - 12:00PM PDT

In an industry driven by fast fashion and disposable clothing, the concept of repair has long been overlooked, often dismissed as too costly, complex, and counterproductive to sales. However, with increasing legislative pressure and a growing consumer demand for sustainability, repair is emerging as a critical component in the fashion industry's shift towards circularity.

Join us for an exclusive session with Emily Rea, founder of Circulo and former co-founder of The Restory, as she unpacks the untapped potential of repair in fashion. With firsthand experience navigating the challenges of scaling repair services at The Restory, Emily has now developed Circulo—a groundbreaking software solution designed to simplify and streamline repair operations for brands and retailers.

During the event Emily will cover:

  • The Real Costs and Challenges of Repair: Understand the hidden expenses and logistical hurdles that have traditionally made repair a difficult proposition for fashion brands.

  • Leveraging Technology for Repair: Discover how Circulo's innovative platform is transforming the repair landscape, automating processes, and making repair more accessible and scalable.

  • The Business Case for Repair: Learn how embracing repair can open up new revenue streams, enhance customer loyalty, and position your brand as a leader in sustainability.

Drawing from her journey with The Restory and the development of Circulo, Emily will provide a comprehensive look at how fashion can move beyond the limitations of traditional repair methods and fully integrate repair into its business model.

Don't miss this opportunity to explore the future of repair in fashion and gain actionable insights into how your company can capitalize on this growing movement. Bring your questions and be ready to rethink what’s possible in the world of fashion repair.

Please note, this event is exclusively for SFF Insider Members.

To access registration for this event, please log in using your SFF Insider Membership details. Not a member? No problem! Join a global community of sustainability leaders dedicated to driving transformative change in the fashion industry and beyond, become a Member now!


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