EP2. How the ‘Human Behavioral Crisis’ is Causing Ecological Overshoot

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In this episode, Brittany sits down with Joseph Merz, the founder and Chairman of the Merz Institute, to explore the connection between human behavior and the ecological overshoot.

Joseph provides profound insights into the Human Behavioral Crisis and explains how evolutionary behaviors that once benefited us have become detrimental in our crowded, modern world. They discuss the critical roles of economic growth, marketing, and pronatalism in exacerbating ecological challenges and why current technological solutions often fall short.

They discuss the limitations of awareness alone in driving change and explore the importance of shifting social norms and behaviors and Joseph emphasizes the need for effective behavioral interventions and an interdisciplinary emergency response to address the root causes of ecological overshoot rather than merely managing its symptoms.

Mentioned in the Episode:


  • 00:02:55 - Joseph Merz's Career Journey

  • 00:11:29 - Inspiration Behind the Behavioral Crisis Paper

  • 00:14:02 - Importance of Human Behavior in Ecological Issues

  • 00:19:55 - Explanation of Human Behavioral Crisis

  • 00:23:00 - Evolutionary Impulses and Marketing Exploitation

  • 00:24:17 - Definition of Maladaptive Behaviors

  • 00:25:54 - Evolutionary Behaviors Becoming Maladaptive

  • 00:32:46 - Economic Growth, Marketing, and Pronatalism

  • 00:34:09 - Marketing's Shift to Emotional Selling

  • 00:42:02 - Evolutionary Perspective on Consumer Behavior

  • 00:45:18 - Addressing Symptoms vs. Root Causes

  • 00:48:00 - Influence of Affluent Behavior on Social Norms

  • 00:50:46 - Technical Solutions vs. Behavioral Interventions

  • 00:51:07 - Systemic Support for Symptom Management

  • 00:52:40 - Challenges in Changing Consumer Behavior

Connect with Joseph:

Joseph is a seasoned entrepreneur and the Director and Chairman of the Merz Institute, which researches ecological overshoot from a behavioral science perspective.

He is also the lead author of the influential paper, "World Scientists' Warning: The Behavioural Crisis Driving Ecological Overshoot"


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