Adore Me's AI Customization Tool and the Psychology of Personalized Intimates

Yesterday, Adore Me expanded its pilot project to introduce Adore Me by You (AM by You), an AI-powered customization tool that allows customers to design fully personalized and shoppable bralette and panty sets.

Using custom-trained image generation models, individuals can input prompts—like “neon blue, neon green, neon pink orchids”—to generate unique designs. They can also add custom text to the bralette band.

Through the brand’s ongoing partnership with, a digital printing technology developed by Twinery, an innovation hub within MAS Holdings, Adore Me prints each custom set on an on-demand basis with technology that, according to the company, uses 99% less water than the traditional printing process.

The print-on-demand system used for AM by You sets means that garments are only produced after a customer has placed an order, eliminating the opportunity for wasted materials.

With its new tool, Adore Me joins a growing list of fashion brands (Reebok, Versace, Loewe, etc.) experimenting with AI to allow personalization at scale, a strategy that leverages data insights to cater to individual preferences and enhances customer engagement and satisfaction.

It also taps into key aspects of customer behavior and psychology, offering insights that could help move the need on conscious consumption. 

Psychological Aspects of Customization

Customization appeals to the innate human desire for individuality and self-expression, by allowing customers to express their unique preferences and tastes by creating personalized designs.

By enabling customers to actively participate in the design process, Adore Me’s AI tool gives them a sense of ownership and control over their shopping experience, fulfilling another fundamental human desire, as customers feel they are actively shaping  to align with their needs and desires.

Additionally, personalized products often foster strong emotional connections with customers, a phenomenon that resonates with the Endowment Effect. This psychological bias suggests that individuals tend to place higher value on items they perceive as their own compared to identical items they don't own.

Despite not physically possessing the bralette and panty set they designed through Adore Me's AI tool, customers can develop a sense of ownership and attachment during the creation process. This emotional bond can lead to customers valuing their designed sets more highly, relating back to sustainability through the concept of emotional durability—the ability of a product to maintain its emotional appeal and significance to the user over time.

Emotional durability is the emotional connection individuals have with a product, even as its physical condition changes or degrades.

Think your Dad's favorite t-shirt passed down to you from his college days or your mom’s vintage coat weathered by time yet timeless and infused with memories.

Products with high emotional durability evoke strong feelings, memories, or sentiments in their users, leading them to maintain a sense of attachment and value towards the item. This emotional bond often transcends the product's functional utility and can influence how long individuals keep, use, and repair the item.

Personalized products that you've helped create can have a similar impact, inspiring users to value and maintain their possessions for longer. This, in turn, can lead to waste reduction and environmental benefits by fostering a culture of repair and longevity.

Additionally, the enhanced shopping experience, transformed from passive to interactive through customization, can significantly bolster customer satisfaction, cultivate brand loyalty, and foster deeper emotional connections.

A Strategy for Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty

By allowing customers to actively participate in designing their own products, Adore Me not only meets their human need for individuality and self-expression, but also creates a sense of ownership and emotional investment in the products they've had a hand in creating.

While the full impact of Adore Me’s new tool on sustainability by way of reduced waste and consumer behavior remains to be realized, early indicators suggest a promising future and a significant step towards a more personalized, sustainable, and emotionally connected future in the intimates industry.


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